Business Process Management assists companies in reducing operational costs and improving the business’ efficiency. The first step to any business implementing BPM is to start with business process mapping. This allows the organization better visibility of the company’s processes and will eventually lead to improved BPM cost efficiency.

Business Process Management


The initial step in implementing BPM cost efficiency strategies is process mapping, but what does mapping look like?

1.  BPM mapping starts with process identification. Isolating the persons involved, their roles, the tools required to complete the task, and the scope of a process must occur before any further mapping can take place.

2.  Once each process is identified, every different aspect must be examined, with team members being the indispensable resources for this information-gathering phase.

3.  Next, a visualization of a process is created. This is the actual process mapping step and flow charts; graphs and other visual tools are essential during this phase.

4.  Once a process map is produced, analysis can take place by examining the “who, what, and why” of this process, areas suitable for improvements can be identified.

5.  After analyzing a process, new methods and approaches can be developed and implemented. This can come in the form of combining or eliminating steps, removing redundancies, and adding steps where necessary.

6.   Continued management and reviews are essential to ensure the continued success of a BPM system. This ongoing optimization will provide the agility and sustained effectiveness of a BPM system. Following mapping, it’s easier for the company to conduct actions to address problems while optimizing processes and reducing waste and time spent on manual work. BPM also assists companies with their core issues of bottlenecks. This is the first thing that can be improved and is visible following the mapping, defining problems, and business processes.

BPM Cost Efficiency and Technology

Every successful business looks to innovation when mapping out a strategy that will allow them to remain profitable and relevant in today’s fast-paced world, and more and more companies are utilizing technology to streamline and optimize different business processes.

Automation continues to alter the BPM landscape, with more and more tasks and functions supported by this ground-breaking technology.

Business process automation (BPA) uses software and algorithms to eliminate the need for human attention to repetitive tasks. Things like HR requests, financial expense filing, and vacation requests can all be automated.  Thanks to the steady advances in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, the functionality of automation continues to expand.

Through the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems, computers can identify and understand human languages, making for some exciting developments for online businesses. Advanced chatbots are just one example of the ways that NLP technology can benefit businesses.

Cloud-based BPM systems are also part of this rising wave of technological breakthroughs and the impact they can have on BPM cost efficiency. Utilizing cloud computing allows businesses to save money on computing power, data management, and IT services, leaving team members to focus on more critical business practices.

AI and machine learning also have significant implications for data management and analysis. In the world of Big Data and the growing reliance on these massive data sets, it is little surprise that more and more businesses are looking to these technologies to gain the upper hand on competitors. Increased BPM cost efficiency is just one of the benefits that come with embracing and implementing these emerging technologies. 

BPM Cost Efficiency: Tangible Results

The correct implementation of business process management can trim down the costs associated with the execution of a company’s processes. It can deliver significantly better results in a precise time. By explaining the latest technologies, valuing collaboration, and recommending a comprehensive mapping system, Adapt Solution remains a leader in business process management consulting. Their comprehensive approach focuses on agility and goal-oriented business process management and guarantees upgraded functionality, increased BPM cost efficiency, and improved profitability of every client.

Adapt Solution are experts in all areas of BPM systems. To find out more about our company, and how we can help your business, please click here. Alternatively, to know more about the services we offer, please visit our Services page by clicking here.